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The partners, whose boudoir is dominated by trust, do not have petty quarrels on an empty place, there is no envy of each other's professional successes and there is mutual understanding in all matters.
Big minds at the University of Westminster's Department of Psychology came to a stunning conclusion. If a person will experience joyful feelings while listening to a pleasant melody, taste great food cooked, give love to their loved ones, then the human body will increase the resistance to any disease especially and other colds.
If we count in kilocalories how many Russian escorts lose during intimacy, the number will be eighty-five for each partner. Britton P., in his book "Thirty Days of Great Sex", advises getting rid of extra pounds, of course, with the help of intimacy.
В. Habermel, who works as a professor at the University of Hamburg, in his work "Handbook of the Voyeurist" noted that one engagement in sex increases the blood levels of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which improve brain function.
Sexual intimacy relieves nervous tension, and the hormone responsible for pleasure - endorphin - has an analgesic effect. Therefore, if an attack of a severe headache or stiff nerve endings in the back, it is better to be intimate with Russian escorts than a handful of pills.
The well-known American journal Biological Psychology decided to test how people would behave if they were given different kinds of non-standard situations. One situation was to find a solution to a difficult mathematical example in a certain amount of time, another was to perform on stage without any skills or rehearsals. People who were intimate with each other more than 4 times a week did not feel nervous, whereas for people who had sex once a month, such tests proved to be really stressful.
When a person experiences full satisfaction in life, then in his organism together with the hormone of happiness - endorphin, hormones responsible for growth synthesize their work. The generalized result of these hormones also leads to a slower aging process, tones muscles, and destroys excess fat. It's the same with Russian escorts they just have sex a lot and feel and look very good.
Russian escorts were given to know that the stability of intimate life led to the normalization of pressure, did not allow a depressing mood in severely offensive young women.
Regular sex solves many psychological problems, some of which are secrecy, distrust of people and others. Stability of close relationships will lead to a sense of security, resulting in a positive outlook on one's life.
In scientific literature "Secrets of Super Youth" English doctors D. Jameson and D. Weeks confirm the fact that to maintain normal blood hormone levels, we must have a regular sex life, also stable sex will lead to improved scalp and skin. Which also confirms all our Russian escorts in the model section see for yourself.