Rules for sex during a coronavirus pandemic. What do you need to know?

Posted by admin 20.01.2021 0 Comment(s) High Class Escorts,

The coronavirus epidemic raises many questions about our safety, and they are also about sex. How should we behave when intimate contact may threaten us and our sexual partners? What is allowed and what sexual behavior should be avoided?

How does the coronavirus epidemic affect libido?

A coronavirus epidemic is associated with the need to limit contact with other people and, if possible, stay at home or reduce going out to a minimum. Thus, it may seem that people living with their sexual partners will use the time they spend together by resorting to intimate contact. However, it is difficult to say whether coronavirus and self-isolation really have this effect on society. Statistical studies can shed some light on this question.

Anxiety caused by an epidemic or discouragement can cause a decrease in libido. Various circumstances related to the threat of the coronavirus can relate to sex, including worries about work, the health of one's loved ones, and access to medical care. Therefore, it is unlikely that the overall frequency of sex in society will increase. On the other hand, some people-under stress or other factors-may choose risky sexual behaviors, including unprotected sex or under the influence of alcohol or stimulants.





What is safe sex?

Transmission of the coronavirus can occur if we are less than two meters away from an infected person. This is the distance that causes us to inhale the same air as the person next to us. Viruses are present in respiratory secretions and are likely to be carried even farther when the sick person coughs or sneezes.

When having sex between healthy people, the definition of safe sex remains the same, which is to avoid casual sex and use condoms to minimize the risk of pregnancy or contracting an STD. If one person is infected and may not know it, these precautions are also key. However, there is no way to limit the risk of contracting the coronavirus during intercourse.

So far, no coronaviruses have been found in vaginal secretions or ejaculate. According to current medical knowledge, catching COVID-19 during vaginal, oral or anal intercourse is unlikely. However, this does not change the fact that the main route of transmission is through the air, and during sexual intimacy it is impossible to avoid, much less limit, the recommended distance.









Both people living under the same roof and having sex with each other should adhere to COVID-19-related guidelines for hand hygiene and limiting interpersonal contact. This way, the risk of infection is minimized, and if either of them gets the infection, it will not spread outside the home.

It is important not to have sex with a partner with COVID-19 symptoms or who is suspected of having the infection. In this case, it is recommended to sleep in separate bedrooms and, if possible, use separate bathrooms.

People who are not in a permanent relationship and do not live with sexual partners should abstain from sexual intercourse. Anyone outside our home is a higher risk of infection.






Sex after coronavirus. What's in store for the future?

Once the worldwide threat of coronavirus is over, the situation could change significantly. It is unknown whether the need to defuse sexual tension after such a long period of isolation will win out. Nevertheless, there is a possibility that some people will decide to engage in risky behavior after the pandemic is over. This could lead to an increased incidence of STDs.

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