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In the 21st century, when the internet has become popular, when it has become firmly embedded in everyone's life, it's not difficult to find and watch a film of the genre you like. Some people choose adult films with erotic scenes. They don't just enjoy watching such an intimate process. Sometimes people try to replicate in real life what they have seen on screen. Escort girls in particular often do so.
We cannot say that this approach is justified, that it is the right one. You should not try everything you happen to see while watching an adult film. But some things can be borrowed from porn actresses.
Most people have sex only in the bedroom, only in bed. As a result, intimacy turns into spousal duty, ceases to bring vivid sensations, new emotions. In porn films, actors have sex on the table, in the bathroom, on the floor. It is worth learning from them, because then intimacy will not become boring, will not turn into a routine, will deliver real pleasure.
Get ready for sex, get excited not only help your partner. Very important is the environment. The partners may be in order in the bedroom, but no one gives importance to what lies on the bed linen, and in vain. In pornographic movies you can't see washed sheets or polka-dot pillowcases. You should adopt the habit of putting only beautiful linen on the bed to cheer yourself and your lover.
In real life, partners never take a step back, never go back to a moment they enjoyed. And in the movies, it happens. It's worth learning to go back to the caresses if the urge has arisen, rather than aiming for the finish line at all costs.
It can excite a man, which will take sex to a whole new level. Actresses in porn have intimate hairstyles at all times. You should try getting an intimate haircut all the time. If a girl has a habit of shaving her hair, then she should dare to experiment by leaving a small amount of hair on the intimate area.
In erotic movies, you hardly see a lady who has extra pounds present, whose body is flabby. All porn actresses have pumped up, athletic bodies. They should be taken as an example. You need to start watching yourself, go to the gym, you need to reconsider your diet, to make it correct, healthy. This will give good results in the foreseeable future.
It may seem that various intimate toys are only needed for people who have to masturbate because they do not have a partner. But such things can be used with escort girls, which is shown in movies with erotic content. Sex toys will allow you to diversify sex, make it memorable.
Not everyone knows, but porn actresses have the opportunity to watch the process, looking at the screen where they are shown what the camera captures. In such moments they admire themselves, they admire themselves. One should not put cameras in the bedroom or connect them to a computer in order to watch sex from the sidelines. But you have to do it in front of a mirror at some point. This will allow more excitement, enjoy the process to the full.
If you loosen up, allow yourself to scream during sex, moaning, you can reach the peak of pleasure. Such action can be a partner and make it clear that his actions are pleasant, that they give pleasure. This will raise the man's self-esteem and make him understand how he needs to treat the lady at all times so that sex is her pleasure.
If an escort lady will manage to adopt at least a few of the listed things from the porn actresses, she will change her intimate life for the better. It will be varied, vibrant, rich, and bring real, genuine pleasure.